4 research outputs found

    The digital evolution of art: current trends in the context of the formation and development of metamodernism

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    The involvement of gadgets and digital technologies is becoming an increasingly integral part of everyone's personal life and work life. Art has also adapted to the rapid digital evolution and computerization in all creative fields. This trajectory of development provokes a new form and philosophy of artistic development, which is called metamodern. This article examines the theoretical foundations of metamodernism and defines the main provisions of this cultural phenomenon through the prism of the development of digital technologies and the latest means of artistic direction. The main purpose of this research work is the study and in-depth analysis of the formation and development of metamodernist intentions in the modern cultural environment and the definition of the conceptual content of metamodern art. Also, the author of the article determined the purpose of distinguishing metamodernism because of the differences in its essential characteristics from the characteristics of modernism and postmodernism. The methodological approach of the research is the search and theoretical analysis of Ukrainian and foreign sources aimed at studying the phenomenon of metamodernism in view of the digital evolution of art. The author of this article used the method of analysis, cultural-historical, descriptive, comparative and theoretical-literary methods of research. As a result of scientific research, the formation and development of digital art and metamodern art were analyzed. The author also tried to identify the nearest trends in the development of the philosophy of metamodernism in the Ukrainian artistic field

    Analysis of modern approaches to the application of 3D technologies in architecture and design

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    Relevance. The dynamic development of modern architecture and design implies continuous improvement of processes aimed at optimizing not only the design, but also the construction of various objects directly. Today, the most effective method of this optimization is the active use of advanced 3D technologies that allow you to bring visual, structural, engineering and technical solutions to a qualitatively new level. The purpose of the article is to analyze modern approaches to the application of 3D technologies in architecture and design. The objectives of the article are to analyze key trends, study the disadvantages and advantages of selected 3D printing technologies, as well as identify areas with high potential for implementing various types of architectural objects created on new-generation three-dimensional printers. Research methods include generalization, classification, systematization and analysis of the theory of formation of new architectural trends..Results. The article discusses various technologies and technical means, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as analyzes the key areas of application of 3D printers in the implementation of various architectural structures. Prospects for the development of highly efficient technology for the construction of buildings and structures are determined. The principles of operation of 3D printers are described. Conclusions. Three-dimensional printing technologies are used in global architectural practice for various functions of buildings, from public housing to restoration work, for modern and future architectural needs. Analysis of the international practice of creating architectural objects using 3D printers leads to the following conclusions: the technology of manufacturing buildings and structures has critical advantages, but also certain disadvantages. The prospects for further research are to conduct an empirical analysis of the use of 3D technologies in architecture and design

    Digital art in designing an artistic image

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    The research aim lies in describing new approaches in art. The use of digital art allows displaying an artistic image that perceives new ideals. The development of digital art in the era of global digitization implies introducing several modern tools for designing an artistic image. The paper raises the issue of the media of digital works, including photographic paper and canvas. The technological and automated side of some or all digital works is also described. The question of their uniqueness or singularity is raised. The paper reveals the aesthetic aspect of a computer-designed work, which depends primarily on the parameters of brightness, contrast, and saturation of the creative software used, as well as the parameters chosen for printing. Since this aspect is the same as for a traditional work reproduced in printed form, from a purely artistic point of view, a digital work can resemble a traditional work in every way if it borrows elements from it, such as hand-painted or digitally drawn textures. Moreover, when traditional techniques are combined with digital techniques, creative ways are likely to multiply because of the variety of techniques. Consideration is given to the use of correction tools to facilitate modification of the composition